High time for an update.

I've launched a YouTube channel

High time for an update.

When I started this email list, I didn't specify how frequently I'd be writing.

At this rate, it's monthly, but I can see it becoming a fortnightly exercise.

A challenge I face with projects, is keeping things focused. Each idea tends to spark another 20. Ideas for artworks, products, workshops and videos.

When you're creatively inclined, It's easy to loose focus.

The antidote.

When I have a deadline, I can move mountains.

As Parkinson's Law states: work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion.

Creativity thrives under constraints.

As I write this, I realise the only times I get stuck creatively, is when I have too few constraints.

No constraints = Too many options. Too many variables. Too many decisions.

When this email goes out in the morning, I'll be out fishing. There won't be any time for updates. And if the email isn't done, I'll be going to bed knowing that I've missed my deadline.

The deadline says "Find a way from A to Z" and leaves the rest to you.

The tighter the deadline, the more creative you need to be.

A new rule.

On a similar note, I've decided to test a new rule: One project, per category, at a time.

I shared this with a housemate. They laughed.

We both know I'll find a way to have at least a dozen categories.

Whilst I'm in the middle of writing this newsletter, I CAN stop to hang a picture (see below), work on my studio shelving plan, or edit a new YouTube video, but I CAN NOT start a new newsletter.

This rule should force me to set tight deadlines, so I can move on to all those new ideas and projects in waiting.


About a week ago, I posted my first YouTube video.

If you follow me on Instagram, or read the first email, you'll be familiar with blacksmith friend Tom Roy, of Tom's Custom Knives.

In this video Tom and I design and make a custom knife.

It's Part II in the series.

Part I is yet to be released, and will focus on the film photographs I made with Tom early in the year.

Subscribe if you're keen to see more, and let me know what you think.

The Store.

The store is coming. Update in the next email.

Do you know any Makers?

If you know any makers with a fascinating or overlooked practice, send me their details.

If YOU are a maker, let me know.

The focus of the YouTube channel, is Work In Progress.

I'm keen to shed light on makers, artists and and craftspeople and their process.

Until next email,

Reuben Mergard